Varanasi boasts a multicultural society mixed with people from different social and economic strata of life. While one side of Varanasi takes pride in its posh palatial buildings, other side exposes poverty and destitution. To bring about equanimity in the society, charitable organisations working on various issues have sprung up.

Among this maze of wonders are a host of charitable organisations that dedicatedly works day and night to make Varanasi a secure place to live. Institutions such as orphanages and old age homes are indispensable part of Varanasi. Here’s a look at some of these charitable institutes that have devoted itself in making the lives of little children and senior citizens happy and comfortable.
Orphanages in Varanasi
Most of the orphanages in Varanasi are run by non-governmental organizations that manage the child-care centres through funds, donations and kind. Children from 0 to 15 years are given shelter in these institutions that also take care of the education, co-curricular activities, health and personal development of every child. A couple of these juvenile homes even offer an option of adoption, while majority of them protect these children till they have attained legal maturity age and are capable to fend for themselves. Here's a list of some of the reputed orphanages in Varanasi:
Act and Help Orphanage
Established in December 2007 by a French journalist, Elisabeth Bernard. This orphanage currently takes care of 22 girls aged between 5 and 15 and provides them the basic necessities required for a healthy life. It runs through funds and donations and this money are spent on the education, health care and co-curricular activities of the children.
Phone no.: 8808121828
Matrichhaya Sishu Grih
This orphanage is a brainchild of Community Project of Creation India Society taking care of children aged 0-10 years. The orphanage is air-conditioned and it provides all modern amenities for the development of children.
Matrichhaya Shishu Grih Address
F2 Gurukripa complex Nadesar
Infront of Takshal cinema, Varanasi - 221002
Phone no.: 0542 2500597, 8756795494
Email- [email protected]
Other orphanages in the city are:
A B Ram BAL Ashram
Mahesh Nagar Clny Samne Ghat
Nagwa, Hyderabad Colony
Varanasi – 221005
Phone no.: 0542 2368813
S O S Children Village
Daniyalpur Chauraha, Chaubey Pur
Daniyalpur Road, Daniyalpur
Varanasi - 221003
Phone no.: 0542 2615477
Mother Teresa House
B.3/176 Shivala Ghat
Varanasi - 221002
Dr Shambhunath Singh Research Foundation India
C-14/160, B-2, Sonia
Yoga Sikshan Prasikshan Samiti
D.32/162 Devnathpura Or D32/22
Near Golden Sporting Club
Hathiphatak, Varanasi H O
Varanasi – 221001
Old Age Homes in Varanasi
Old age home also known as retire home gives shelter to senior citizens who are unable to stay with their family and homeless, destitute aged people. These shelter homes provide every basic facility necessary for a comfortable life for senior people. These facilities include meals, recreational activities, gathering and health care. Every old age homes in Varanasi have special medical provisions such as nurses, mobile medical ambulance that acts handy during medical emergencies. Let's have a look at some of the established and reliable old age homes in Varanasi:

Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service
This organisation apart from running a charitable hospital, a mobile medical unit, mobile library and other welfare works also runs two old-aged homes. One unit has 24 men and other has 40 aged women. The charitable organisation runs through funds and donations offered by individuals or commercial houses.
Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service Address
Luxa, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221010, India
Phone : (0542) 245 1727(Off.) & 245 1307; 245-1204
Telefax : (0542) 245-5972
Email : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
Other charitable old age homes in Varanasi are:
Mother Haleema Foundation
A 20/32 Zeregular Near Muqeemganj
Varanasi H O, Varanasi – 221001
Phone no.: 0542 6531375
Annpurna Prantiya Seva Asramam
Anapurna Sarojani Nitya Annadana Padhakam
B. 13/123, Kedarghat, Sonarpura
Varanasi - 221001
Phone no.: 0542 6535002, 0542 2452421, 9839605344
Email: [email protected]
Jan Sasaktikaran Samagik Sanchar Samiti
5/48 M-1 Tagore Colony
Ordely Bazar, Varanasi – 221002
Phone no.: 0542 2507217
Sri Rama Taraka Andhra Ashram
B14/92, Manasorovar
Varanasi H.O., Varanasi – 221002
Phone no.: 0542 2450418
Sri Sarveshwari Samooh
Parao, Kusth Ashram
Varanasi - 221102
Phone no.: 0542 2339266